Health Law Blog

Texas Federal Court Enjoins FTC Non-Compete Ban

Health Law Blog Jul 17, 2024

Supreme Court: “Chevron Deference” is Gone!

Health Law Blog Jul 8, 2024

Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Freedom

Health Law Blog Jul 4, 2024

New FinCEN Corporate Transparency: Lawyers Beware of Scams!

Health Law Blog Jun 22, 2024

Lawyers: How not to go to jail When Civil and Criminal Matters Overlap.

Health Law Blog Jun 14, 2024

Schrödinger’s Cat

Health Law Blog Jun 3, 2024

FTC Non-Compete Rule Effective Date

Health Law Blog May 23, 2024

The “Door Dash” Trap: Online Delivery of Legal and Medical Services

Health Law Blog May 10, 2024

FTC Bans Non-Competes

Health Law Blog Apr 25, 2024

If You are a Doctor, (or “Play One on TV.”) A Warning about MSO’s and Telemedicine Record Keeping.

Health Law Blog Apr 18, 2024

The “Unbreakable” Charles Stanley Churchwell Quadriplegia couldn’t stop this lawyer-surgeon

Health Law Blog Apr 10, 2024

Ozempic. What could possibly go wrong?

Health Law Blog Apr 4, 2024

The “Mailbox Money” Trap Physicians Beware

Health Law Blog Mar 31, 2024

Why Deep Breathing Calms Stress

Health Law Blog Mar 15, 2024

The Travel Act Strikes Again! Six Doctors Indicted in Pharmacy Scheme

Health Law Blog Mar 3, 2024

Money Laundering For People Who Aren’t Criminals

Health Law Blog Feb 20, 2024

Emotional Blackmail. And How to Deal with It.

Health Law Blog Jan 31, 2024

Overcoming Fear of a Courtroom

Health Law Blog Jan 25, 2024

Fox News v. Dominion Voting Systems: “So Absurd, No One Would Believe Us.”

Health Law Blog Mar 9, 2023