Ozempic. What could possibly go wrong?

“Please Tell Me you Didn’t. . . How to Keep Client’s Out of the Jailhouse, Poorhouse and Lawyers Out of the Nuthouse” -Blog

People love a shot at redemption. But now there is a literal “shot of redemption.” A miracle in a vial, which will not only redeem your past sins, but also wash clean those you plan to commit on the next fun night out. You can eat anything you like, drink what you like and not pay for it. All in one convenient FDA approved dose. It’s basically like “Jesus in a syringe.” What could possibly go wrong?

If you have ever read the Book of Revelation, you know “all hell follows with” the second coming (we just don’t know what that means). Same with this miracle. God usually doesn’t give with “both hands.” So, maybe slow your roll on this, or at least keep one foot on the ground, things might get a little bumpy when we find out the side-effects.

What is Ozempic? Semaglutide, the ingredient in Ozempic, is a miracle diabetes/weight loss drug which has become so scarce, that the FDA invented rules which throw the patent out the window (a patent creates a monopoly for the company that holds the patent). If a drug is scarce, compounding pharmacies can legally make copies of the drug, to fill the gap. But we still don’t have enough of the stuff.

It has gotten so bad and people so desperate that I am now getting health law cases where nursing and pharmacy staff are alleged to have pilfered patients’ supplies of the drug. Which is a great big “no, no” on so many levels.

Why Diabetes is relative: E=MC2. So how do we get diabetes? In a nutshell, Type II Diabetes comes from eating too many carbohydrates, which come from plants (which are delicious), especially when highly processed. Einstein’s equation works because “energy and mass” are the same thing. (Please don’t ask me about the square of the speed of light part, I have never known, and the equation works just fine without it.) Mass is a store of energy. Neither can be created, nor destroyed. (Also, please don’t ask me where this matter came from in the first place, whatever works for you, works for me.) Just know, at present, energy and mass appear to change forms from time to time, but never disappear. How does this make diabetes?

First, the sun blows up and shoots energy at us through space (energy is mass in a different form). Then plants soak up this energy and through photosynthesis, mix it with carbon dioxide taken from the atmosphere (emphasis on “carbon”), and good old liquid H2O or water (emphasis on “hydrogen”), and “poof” you have “carbo. . .hydrates.” Plant-stored energy. Which is how an acorn becomes an oak tree. It’s really pretty simple. If all these plants die and rot in the ground for millions of years, you get “hydro-carbons,” a different form of “stored plant energy” which makes jets go fast.

Little humans grow into big humans, by consuming plant energy after the sun blew up. Some of which comes from directly from plants as carbohydrates, and some from animals, which is just getting your energy the long way round (the animals ate the plants first, then we ate the . . . well, best not to think too much on this.)

Some of these carbohydrates are delicious, right off the plant. Like maple syrup and fruit. Others, must be processed and cooked to be digested. That’s why we can’t get energy from eating grass, but can mill corn and wheat into flour, which becomes spaghetti or cornbread. The smashing and heating frees up the carbohydrate plant energy stored in seeds. Before we can use this energy, these plant carbohydrates must be turned into a type of sugar in our digestive tracts and enter the blood, hence “blood sugar.”

But humans need insulin, produced in the pancreas, to allow blood sugar to pass out of the blood and into the body for fuel. Insulin also tells our bodies to store the extra carbohydrates in the liver and body for later. Which is why if you eat or drink too much, you get a fatty liver and massive waist line. While too much stored energy as fat is bad for your health, at least the sugar is out of your blood.

Sugar left in the blood is highly inflammatory, and corrosive to nerves and blood vessels. Kidneys will try to pull out as much as they can, but it is a losing battle. That’s why diabetics can lose circulation in their feet and limbs and kidneys will fail. Sugar in the blood has literally eaten away the ability to circulate oxygen and worn out other organs.

While Type I diabetics are born with no ability to produce insulin, Type II diabetics get this way by over-eating carbs. There is a nasty connection between dopamine and things that taste good. If you constantly bombard your body with carbs, eventually the pancreas can’t produce enough insulin to keep up. In some cases, the pancreas just burns out or gives up altogether.

Once this happens, diabetes can be treated in two ways. Plan A: behave yourself. Stop eating carbs and exercise daily, to burn the carbs you do eat, then you won’t have high levels of sugar left in your blood. Doctors will tell you, any plan that counts on us to behave ourselves, had better have a backup plan. So, Plan B: Take drugs like insulin, which has known side effects and now, this new miracle drug, that no one knows if there will be long-term side effects from taking.

That’s what we know so far.